Faith Learning Center offers year round care for children as young as six weeks old up through 6th grade. Once enrolled, children at our Wisconsin campus have a classroom spot year round through five years of age, or once in Kindergarten, whichever comes first. For students at our Arctic campus who are in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade, there are enrollment options for both before- and after-school care during the school year, full-time care during the summer, and year round options. Each program is subject to class availability, but students enrolled during the school year will have priority for the summer programming.
You can begin your enrollment process by filling out the form below so that we can better understand your family needs and any special circumstances or requests that you might have. When a spot becomes available, our team will contact you and together will select a start date. Then parents or guardians will complete a registration form and submit a non-refundable registration fee. Parents and guardians can choose to tour either campus at any point during the registration or waitlist process, though it is not required to be enrolled. Anyone interested in scheduling a tour should contact the specific campus office to schedule a time.
A completed registration form and a non-refundable registration fee of $75 is due at the time of registration. You may register completely online or print a registration form from this website, fill it out and mail it in or drop it off.
Faith Learning Center offers discounted rates for families with multiple children enrolled full-time. For families with two children enrolled full-time, the child qualified at the lowest monthly rate, will receive a 25% discount on their monthly rate. The second child will be charged at their full monthly rate. For families with three or more children enrolled full-time, the discount policy is the same as families with two children and additionally, all other children enrolled full-time will receive a 10% discount on their monthly rate.
Families can choose to pay the monthly tuition via cash, check, credit card or bank to bank sharing. Credit card payments and bank to bank sharing is processed through the Brightwheel app and come with additional fees.
Faith Learning Center accepts child care assistance payments through the Anchorage Child Care Assistance Program (CCPO) and Cook Inlet Tribal Council (CITC). You can visit the Alaska Department of Health website or the CITC website to see if your family qualifies for child care assistance.
*Monthly rate will change to 3-5 year old rate once child turns three and is potty-trained.